Stepping Out on Water

Thunder, lightning, strong winds, fire and an earthquake – wow strange weather forecast. Good thing this was not predicted for the Metro today.  All kidding aside both the first reading and today’s Gospel mention strong, noisy winds and the fear that gusty strong winds can bring. So let’s focus today on trust and action rather than fear and doubt in our faith journey. 

God is often a surprise, not what we might perceive or think – God was NOT in the wind, earthquake or fire but in the still quiet sound. Maybe Elijah was surprised that God was not in the powerful things that came his way but in the quiet still and almost undetectable sound. However he was wise enough to realize that God was present in the soft sound. So be open, look and listen, try not to have preconceived notions. An open, willing spirit will hear God in the still, quiet sound and be able to answer the call.

Let’s look at our next reading that mentions strong and powerful winds along with a calling and then a response. But before we delve into those things, let’s back up a bit. The text says that Jesus had just fed the people, the 5,000 plus people! Wow, can you imagine the feelings and the vibes that followed that event. Jesus asked the disciples to take him to a place of quiet to be alone. He needed some “down time” after that mountaintop experience. I can only imagine that the disciples needed some “down time” too. They had to help serve and clean up after 5,000 plus hungry people. They must have been tired but also wired.  So needless to say both Jesus and his friends needed to decompress.

The text says the boat was a few miles offshore and it was being tossed about by the waves, for the wind was against it. During the fourth watch of the night.

Jesus came toward the boat, walking on the sea. Wow another of strong weather event! Walking on water in strong fierce winds! Powerful yes, scary most definitely. The text says those in the boat were terrified and thought they were seeing a ghost and they cried out. Jesus says, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." We hear Peter said to him in reply, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus replies, "Come." So Peter leaves the boat and starts toward Jesus.

We often hear that Peter is impetuous and often acts before he thinks. In this case, could Peter have been asleep and with all the screaming and hollering he woke up. Maybe he was in that time between deep sleep and waking when he got out of the boat, started walking on water. The text goes onto to say, “When Peter saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, and cried out, "Lord, save me!" Fear and doubt set in. Or maybe the reality of what is happening comes to Peter as he really “wakes up”. His preconceived notion of physics overrule his action. While he wants to answer Jesus’ call his human fear surfaces.

This is how it is with us. We might hear God calling us to step out and witness for our faith. We might want to do it, we may even start to step out for God but then we hesitate and maybe even stop.

My friend Anita Gutschick says,

Fear and doubt will stop you dead in your tracks and keep you from living the abundant life that God has planned for you.

She is so right. We are like Peter, we hear Jesus calling us out of our comfort zone. We start walking and witnessing. Then our doubts and fear set in. We begin to sink. Again we are like Peter, we reach for Jesus, our Life Saver. It’s okay to grab and hold on tightly to Jesus, our life saver, our life jacket. Jesus saved Peter on the sea, and Jesus saves us always. Amen.



Preached August 13, 2017

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

See 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 and Matthew 14:22-33

Image: "Harry Styles walking on water" courtesy of The Sun