Joyous Gaudete! I can remember hearing in a sermon that the preacher always liked the “pink candle day” because he knew that meant Santa was coming soon. Yes the Advent Season is winding down, soon it will be Christmas day. Some might freak out about all the things that have not gotten done.
Such as more shopping for presents, baking another batch of cookies, wrapping all those gifts, setting up the Christmas tree, cleaning the house and what about all those holiday party hors d’oeuvres! On Gaudete Sunday in 2014 Pope Francis said people should not fret over things like that but “… people should think of all the good things life has given you”.
In Philippians 4:4 St. Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.” So we are to rejoice, to have joy in our lives, to focus on what is good and life-giving. Our joy does not come from things wrapped in shiny paper or having lots of money in our pockets. It does not come because of successful career or a lucky break like winning the lottery.
Happiness is not the same as joy. Joy comes from knowing that you are unconditionally loved by God who loves you more than you can imagine. Just think God chose to enter this messed up creation, was willing to become one of the created ones. Jesus became incarnate, became like one of us.
Not as a superhuman but as one who experienced sadness, sickness, hunger and thirst as well as happiness, health and contentment. Jesus rejoiced in all life had to offer even death because he knew he was loved and that Jesus was love itself. Love that was born on Christmas day.
I would like to share part of a contemporary Christmas song that was written by a Steve Haupt and Becky Kelley, a father/daughter team. It’s called “Where’s the Line to See Jesus?” Have any of you heard this song or are familiar with it? If you haven’t here is the refrain:
“Where’s the line to see Jesus?
Is he here at the store?
If Christmas time is his birthday
Why don’t we see him more?
Where’s the line to see Jesus?
He was born for me.
Santa Claus brought me presents,
But Christ gave his life for me!”
Something to think about at this time, just two weeks before Christmas. Most of us are familiar with the line to see Santa, some of us might have stood in the line with our children or grandchildren. But where is the line to see Jesus? Isn’t Jesus the reason for this season? Wasn’t he born for you, for me? Didn’t he give the best present of all time?
We don’t need to write a letter to Jesus or to ask for what we want. He doesn’t watch us or make a list to see who was naughty or nice. He already knows but Jesus just loves us no matter what we say or do. As the lyrics of the song say, “Santa Clause brought me presents, but Christ gave His life for me.” Now that is a reason for joy.
1. Third Sunday of Advent, Year A (2016)
2. Image: "Advent Joy" courtesy of Battle Beads in 2015